Since 2017, Stef has been engaging its European teams through a unique collective experience.

We'll let you discover in two scrolls how Stef reinforces its quality of life at work policy by prioritizing actions that unite all its employees.

sport entre collègues
courir en forĂŞt
rire entre collègues
cohésion sport
travail d'Ă©quipe

for success


Over a 3-year period, 27 Stef teams from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands and France challenged themselves to a running challenge using the Stef Run app, available to employees.

Objectives and implementation

In a company where employees are spread across 7 countries in Europe, the objective was ambitious and unprecedented: to mobilize as many employees as possible around a single project that would promote well-being, develop team cohesion and strengthen the sense of belonging. 

The challenge for Stef was to find a solution that was simple to set up, required little material resources, and appealed to all profiles: young and old, men and women, sportsmen and women, and all over the world.

Guaranteed success

According to Stef employees, the key driver behind the challenge is the European dimension.

The STEF RUN project mobilized employees from all over the world around a common goal. 

The second lever concerns collective spirit, which was significantly developed through this challenge. Employees have also emphasized the positive effects on their overall well-being.

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Results on turnover, sick leave and sedentary lifestyles compiled by Goodwill Management.

A certified rh

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The 1st mobility

Use carbon footprints to improve your results over the long term, based on ADEME methodology.

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they talk about it better than we do

ACF : CONNECT AGAINST HUNGER Solidarity with the team, but above all with the association

Action contre la faim

Action contre la faim
"We hoped that people would like it and that it would create a sense of cohesion. With teams based in Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux, they don't necessarily rub shoulders on a daily basis. We were looking for something different from a simple foot race, which would allow everyone to take part. It created new links between teams. It was a great success, so we're doing it again! "

Victor Jumaucourt,
Internal communications manager

"23 CCIFIs had to carry out various individual and collective soft mobility missions ( running, walking, cycling ... ), all accompanied by quizzes linked to the theme. 35.08 tons of CO2 avoided after 3 weeks of Squadeasy for the CCI France Belgique alone! Combining sport, health and ecology has never been so much fun! "

Anicia OESER,
Communications Manager

CCI France
"It's an experience that feels good physically and mentally. The employees are all very energized, all doing things they would never have done without Squadeasy. Incredible emulation. It's all positive."

Oriane Tisseyre,
Head of finance

TOGETHER CHALLENGE HSBC: Working together to save the planet


MOVE FOR YOUTH Société Générale : to pay your colleague back in his own coin.

Société Générale

Societe generale
"31k km: that's the sporting challenge taken up by Vaudoise Assurances employees on the Squadeasy app. On foot, on the run or by bike. Thanks to their efforts, I had the pleasure of passing on a cheque for CHF 10,000 to Secours Suisse d'hiver, which will enable us to offer leisure activities to families in need."

Jean-Daniel Laffely,
CEO groupe

Flore cholley
EDENRED: THE HUNGER FOR VICTORY FIRST Edenred mobilizes over 5,300 employees in 45 countries in support of Médecins Sans Frontières.

Flore Cholley,
Worldwide ESG & Sustainability


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