They're part
of our team.

Who better to talk about us and them than our customers.

I mean, about both of us.

Cohesion Banking
to pay your colleague back in his own coin

25,000 participants in 56 countries.

See case study
CSR commitment Administration
Together against pollution

570 teams committed to preserving the oceans

See case study

"If I were to recommend SquadEasy to a friend and give just one reason: the app makes you want to get up in the morning (well, a bit more than before). 
Surreal, isn't it?"

Jeanne, Responsable RH

of users feel less stressed at work since using SquadEasy.

"The offbeat and funny posts, the late-night outings at the end of the challenge to pick up the last few points, the inter-team alliances, the individual "remontada" of our Sales Director.... The very positive feedback and the many requests to repeat the operation!"

Mathieu, les Artisans Coiffeurs

loyal customers around the world.
We're everywhere, and soon in your box.

CSR commitment Non-profit sector
Solidarity with the team, but above all with the association

1.5 million km covered.

See case study
Sport mobility Finance
Hunger for victory above all

45,000 raised for Médecins Sans Frontières.

See case study
Cohesion Banking
Cohesion to save the planet

2,000 employees changing the codes of engagement

See case study
CSR commitment High-Tech
A developer of solidarity initiatives

rally employees for Pink October and Movember

See case study
CSR commitment Non-profit sector

To make 2030 AIDS-free.

See case study

Ready to make a lasting commitment to your teams with Squadeasy?
It's so easy!